Thursday, March 23, 2006

Girl Talk

Girls, girls, girls! Sometimes, even though I happen to be one, I don't understand us at all. Ok, so I can relate to all our funny, quirky topics ranging from clothing to guys, but we, in general, are very complex! (I really never thought I would find myself saying this and I know I'm going to get tons of comments from guys that are readily agreeing with me and all I have to say to you is're too easy to understand! just kidding)

For all our issues, "complex and confusing" problems, and other personal troubles, I love girls. I love the great and awesome and Godly conversations that we can have together even though our focus strays occasionally. I love the fun, little, unimportant conversations that Hannah, Heather, Megan and I share. For us, they're so meaningful, but I would love to see a guy's reaction from just listening to us. Wow, that would be classic! The only thing that I think would be going through the guy's mind is petty...petty...petty. Yes, we know. We like it! But, I do have to say that I love all the other conversations that we can have with guys and girls about important topics that make a difference, and not that we don't as girls, but it's great to have that leadership from guys. I guess what I'm basically trying to say, using small words, is that I appreciate all of the fellowship that I receive from the body of Christ, including all the petty conversations and all the important ones. I don't know if this makes any sense at all since I am writing it at 1 am, but hopefully it's remotely clear. Goodnight everyone!


Heather said...

Hmnmm. I can only think of a few fun coversations....all the time. But really we seem to enjoy all our petty "uniportant" conversations that really mean the world to us. What we do without them? Life would be so quiet...and the giggling would be suprisingly less. What fun would that be? How else would we excercise our abs? Love you much.

Brent Klontz said...

"Complex and confusing;"

Complex synonyms: complicated, intricate, involved, knotty mean having confusingly interrelated parts. complex suggests the unavoidable result of a necessary combining and does not imply a fault or failure 〈a complex recipe〉. complicated applies to what offers great difficulty in understanding, solving, or explaining 〈complicated legal procedures〉. intricate suggests such interlacing of parts as to make it nearly impossible to follow or grasp them separately 〈an intricate web of deceit〉. involved implies extreme complication and often disorder 〈a rambling, involved explanation〉. knotty suggests complication and entanglement that make solution or understanding improbable 〈knotty ethical questions〉.

However, I am thankful for these "complex and confusing" people:)

Amy said...

Yep, unfortunately that's about right! We do try to change!

Brent Klontz said...

Don't change a bit. You're great! The only changing you should be doing is the stuff that makes you more conformed to Christ. As for the fun, unimportant conversations that result in much giggling and laughter, those are great too! I love hearing people laugh! Besides, when you got the purell, you're allowed to have meaningless conversations that cause laughter. God bless sis, BK